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"There is a brave man waiting, who'll take me back to where I come from"

(The Black Heart Rebellion)

Cube - movie details

Director(s) Vincenzo Natali
Writer(s) Vincenzo Natali
André Bijelic
Graeme Manson
Genre(s) Horror / Sci-fi / Thriller
Release date Saturday, 11th July 1998
Running time 0 minutes
Media DVD-R
Movie plot Six different people, each from a very different walk of life, awaken to find themselves inside a giant cube with thousands of possible rooms, most of which have deadly traps inside. Each has a skill that becomes clear when they must band together to get out: a cop, a math whiz, a building designer, a doctor, an escape master, and a disabled man. Each plays a part in their thrilling quest to find answers as to why they've been imprisoned.
Actor/actress Nicole de Boer as Leaven
Nicky Guadagni as Holloway
David Hewlett as Worth
Andrew Miller as Kazan
Julian Richings as Alderson
Wayne Robson as Rennes
Maurice Dean Wint as Quentin
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Cube movie cover

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