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"There is a brave man waiting, who'll take me back to where I come from"

(The Black Heart Rebellion)

How to disable Windows XP Dump Reporting Tool

posted: Januari 13, 2009

We've all been there: every once in a while a program decides to crash for no apparent reason. The only thing left to do is kill the task, using the built in Task Manager. On Windows XP however, killing a task takes some time thanks to the Dump Reporting Tool. Fortunately, there is an easy way to disable this tool and thus speed up your computer.

First of all, the Dump Reporting Tool or DRT from now on, is a little tool that Microsoft prodived to create a file containing information about the error that just occured. Later, this file can be sent back to Microsoft, where it can be analysed for more information. If you ever experience a crash in a program, have a look at the task manager, and you'll see a process called "dumprep.exe", which is the tool in question.

In most cases, this tool will be largely useless to the user, so why would you allow this information to be gathered and sent? It's only costing you time!

To disable DRT and speed up your computer a little bit in the process, perform the following steps:

  1. Right click on "My Computer" and a menu will pop up
  2. Choose "Properties" from this menu
  3. Click on the "Advanced" tab
  4. Click the "Error Reporting" button
  5. Check the "Disable error reporting" box

There's a little checkbox below, "Notify me on critical errors", which you could leave checked if desired.

That's it - the DRT will no longer be enabled, and error information will no longer be gathered and sent.

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